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日期:2021-03-11 访问次数:2792

连玉龙 副教授





  1. Lian Y, Sun Q, Guan S, Ge H, Tao N, Jiang Y, Zhang Y, Ning L, Xiao J, Liu J. Effect of Changing Work Stressors and Coping Resources on the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: The OHSPIW Cohort Study. Diabetes Care. 2018,41(3):453-460.

  2. YulongLian. Stress at work in patients with cardiometabolic disease. The Lancet. Diabetes & Endocrinology, 2018, 6(9):676-678.

  3. 3. Xiao J, Guan S, Ge H, Tao N, Zhang Y, Jiang Y, Ning L, Liu J, Lian Y#. The impact of changes in work stressors and coping resources on the risk of new-onset suicide ideation among Chinese petroleum industry workers. J Psychiatr Res. 2017,88:1-8.

  4. 4. Lian Y, Qi C, Tao N, Han R, Jiang Y, Guan S, Ge H, Ning L, Xiao J, Liu J. Changing work stressors and coping resources influence blood pressure and hypertension incidence in a large OHSPIW cohort. J Hum Hypertens. 2017,31(5):313-319.

  5. 5. Qi C, Gu Y, Sun Q, Gu H, Xu B, Gu Q, Xiao J, Lian Y#. Low-Dose N,N-Dimethylformamide Exposure and Liver Injuries in a Cohort of Chinese Leather Industry Workers. J Occup Environ Med. 2017,59(5):434-439.

  6. 6. Lian Y, Gu Y, Han R, Jiang Y, Guan S, Xiao J, Liu J. Effect of Changing Work Stressors and Coping Resources on Psychological Distress. J Occup Environ Med. 2016, 58(7):e256-263.

  7. 7. Sun Q, Mao W, Jiang H, Zhang X, Xiao J, Lian Y#. The Effect of Protracted Exposure to Radiation on Liver Injury: A Cohort Study of Industrial Radiographers in Xinjiang, China. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018,15(1). pii: E71

  8. Lian Y, Xiao J, Zhang C, Guan S, Li F, Ge H, Liu J. A comparison of the relationships between psychosocial factors, occupational strain, and work ability among 4 ethnic teacher groups in China. Arch Environ Occup Health. 2016;71(2):74-84.

  9. 9. Jiang Y, Tang J, Li R, Zhao J, Song Z, Ge H, Lian Y, Liu J. Effect of 5-HT2A Receptor Polymorphisms, Work Stressors, and Social Support on Job Strain among Petroleum Workers in Xinjiang, China. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2016,13(12). pii: E1258.

  10. 10. Jiang Y, Cui C, Ge H, Guan S, Lian Y, Liu J. Effect of 5-HT2A receptor polymorphisms and occupational stress on self-reported sleep quality: a cross-sectional study in Xinjiang, China. Sleep Med. 2016, 20:30-36.

  11. 11. Guan SZ, Ning L, Tao N, Lian YL, Liu JW, Ng TB. Effects of maternal stress during pregnancy on learning and memory via hippocampal BDNF, Arc (Arg3.1) expression in offspring. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 2016,46:158-167.

  12. 12. GuanSZ, Ji WJ, Jiang Y, Ning L, Lian YL, Liu JW. Enriched environment treatment remediated hippocampal monoamine neurotransmitters and emotional deficits in offspring induced by maternal chronic stress rat during pregnancy. IJCE, 2017, 10 (7):9963-9975.


1. 国家自然科学基金:职业紧张因素对心理障碍影响的双向性队列研究-基于新疆干旱沙漠环境作业人群。

2. 国家自然科学基金:环境与遗传因素相互作用对紧张反应易感性影响的研究。

3. 江苏省自然科学基金项目:轮班作业、生物钟基因多态性与睡眠障碍关联的前瞻性研究;

4. 南通市科技项目:孕期慢性应激及早期环境干预对子代学习记忆能力影响机制研究;

5. 横向合作科研项目:慢性病社区诊断技术服务


1. 不同劳动类型职业紧张效应、作用机制及评价方法的研究,新疆维吾尔政府自治区人民政府,新疆维吾尔自治区科技进步奖,二等奖

2. 心理紧张(应激)致机体健康损伤效应的研究,新疆维吾尔自治区科技进步奖,三等奖, 3. 不同劳动类型职业紧张效应、作用机制及评价方法的研究,中国医疗保健国际交流促进会,科技进步,三等奖

4. 新疆特殊环境下作业人群职业紧张易感性因素、紧张效应及干预措施系列研究,新疆维吾尔自治区,科技进步,三等奖

5. 吴执中医学奖三等奖,中华预防医学会